- What's the J.S.G.S?
- The Japan Socio-Gerontological Society is a scientific organization
established in 1959.
- Together with the Japan Geriatrics Society, it forms
apart of the Japan Gerontological Society along with two other such entities, all of which
belong to the International Association of Gerontology.
- Since its foundation, the Japan Socio-Gerontological Society has made public
its research results, mainly from an interdisciplinary sociological and behavioral science
standpoint regarding various issues relating to age and the aged, including health, medical
care, nursing and welfare. Moreover, it has provided a forum for mutual study. The Society
presently has about 1,500 members, mainly consisting of researchers from universities and
research institutes, and professionals in the fields of health, medical care,nursing and
welfare, along with graduate students.
Japanese Journal of Gerontology Office work center
3-7-2, Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo world planning Co., Ltd.
TEL:03-3431-3715 Fax:03-3431-3325 E-mail:office@rounenshakai.org